Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Engaging in difficult economic times?

Is Customer Engagement a luxury item that can be discarded during difficult economic times, or is it a necessary ingredient for recovery?.

In these times, businesses tend to constrain spending and reserve cash as a reaction to the pressures. This is only to be expected. But it is at these times that businesses need to take a step back and look at their business model and ask some searching questions about the manner in which they engage with their customers.

If you were the Chief Executive of a bank at the moment, how are you going to repair the relationship with your customers?. How do you build the necessary trust into the relationship.

If you were the Director of a government department, how are you going to deliver services more efficiently?.

However, the move towards Customer Engagement has a major challenge. The vision is built on the enabling impact of new technologies. Unfortunately many business are (justifiably?) cynical about the potential positive impact of technology. And these individuals are right. It is only when the technology is accompanied with a clear business vision for delivery and the necessary leadership will it deliver.

Does the leadership exist to deliver true Customer Engagement, and spark some genuine business, technology and systems innovation, or is it drowned out by the political doubters?

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