Friday, 6 February 2009

Employee Engagement - similar concept

Taking the concept a little further, exactly the same approach can be adopted for the engagement with employees. The "acid test" is one of advocacy in the form of the question "Would you recommend this company as a place of work to your best friend?".

The engagement is built upon :
  • a clear business strategy so that each employee knows exactly where they fit into the scheme of things, and what the collective business targets are. Equally information about how the business is performing is key, as well as customer feedback.
  • a company ethos and set of values that they can feel proud of. The values need to be lived, and not just on paper.
  • an efficient and effective information communications strategy. So employees feel well informed and empowered.
  • an open feedback option so employees are able to add a commentary and suggestions.
  • a self service framework so that employees are able to service their own needs with minimal effort. This includes the ability to "explore" the organisation to discover and find other key individuals.
  • a social context so that employees feel "part of a team"
Further, "innovation" can form a key part with employees being encouraged to contribute ideas and suggestions. They also need to recognise that change is a constant part of the business's evolution.